Motherless Women

Support Homepages


These pages were created for the benefit of all women and girls who have lost their mothers..These pages are intended to offer support through our Peers....other women and girls who have lost their mothers as well....to share experiences and to find a healing balm to soothe perhaps the most tramatic time in our lives...and find ways to cope with the intense pain and longing for the most influencial person in our lives...

Welcome to our Safe Abode Ladys....
I have created 5 discussion email lists at www.onelist.com
The lists and descriptions of each follows

click on button below each list description
to sign up for each  list

1. Motherless List is the main list. It is for women
who has lost their mother as an adult due to passing away.


2. Motherless2 is for any Woman who has lost their mom
to death in the last year or so. It is more of an intensive
discussion list..

Motherless3 is for women who have lost their mothers
in their lives due to abandonment, adoption or even
estrangement. Their mothers may even still be alive
but they have no relationship with them.

Motherless4 is for women who have lost their mothers
as children. They may not even remember their moms
and have alot of other issues to discuss related to this
most intense loss.

Motherless5 is a peer group of young women and girls 
under the age of 20 (or thereabouts) who 
have lost their mothers and wish to talk with others 
their own age group who are also trying to cope with
the loss of their mothers in their lives...Any reason of
Mother Loss is discussed here.

Please come to the Discussion Lists to 
Learn, Listen, and Share with others
who can relate to how you feel!!!
These are all Female only groups.

 This list and these pages work hand in hand to help any woman/girl who has lost her mother due to death, abandonment, adoption or any other way of loss....In the coming months my goal will be to provide links here to other forums for help and support on these issues....

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of POD


Your feedback is essential to the success of these Pages and the motherless list at onelist!! Please send me via email any comments you may have Suggestions are welcomed.... I promise to strive to make this site and the list the best that can be found for support on these issues..

Click on the above for:
Vicci's Email and Personal homepages

Kerrys Radio Interview


My Mothers Tribute Page


Resource Links for Motherless Daughters and Supportive Websites




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